Welcome to Agnus Dei

A Catholic Homeschool Cooperative

Registration is now CLOSED for Spring 2024!

Our Catholic Identity

Agnus Dei Homeschool Cooperative is an authentically Catholic learning center. 

What is Agnus Dei?

Agnus Dei is Latin for "Lamb of God". The sacrifice of a lamb was an important part of worship in the OT. Jesus is the lamb of God because He is the perfect sacrifice offered to God.

Who are we?

We are a group of Catholic homeschooling parents who are answering the call to form our children in the faith. Together, we have a shared mission to rebuild the Church.

Where are we located?

St. Bernard's Roman Catholic Church
422 Second Street
Youngstown, NY 14174

Need to Contact Us?

Email: AgnusDeiCooperative@gmail.com